Universal Chi Tao and Chi Kung

(foreword of the book)


In Universal Chi Tao and Chi Kung, the word "universal" means: it pertain to the universe, all beings and all things; it "unifies" all beings and things of the universe, it’s "versatile" to all universal beings and things.

"Chi" in Chinese means life force or vital energy. It is the core essence of Chinese traditional medicine, martial art, and Taoism; as well as an important element of American polarity, Indian yoga and many other holistic practices. In Universal Chi Tao "chi" is a combined form of both energy and spirit, the basic elemant of Chi Science.

In order to raise life force, human energy, or chi, the Chinese developed Chi Kung. "Kung" means intensive training or studious practice. Together, Chi Kung can be translated simply as "Energy Practice". Actually it’s more than a simple physical energy practice. It contains many metaphysical elemants.

"Tao" literately means "way" or "method". In detail, it includes: excellent principle, super elemant, natural process and perfect composition. Originally the Chinese name it as the father and/or mother of all things and beings of the universe. Now, they assume it as the rule and principle of things, and adopt it as a standard or guidebook of life.

Based on original chi kung, modern science, life philosopby and natural law, we develop Universal Chi Tao. From Universal Chi Tao we develop Universal Chi Kung. Chikung is more a physical and technical thing. Chitao is more a metaphysical and philosophical thing. Universal Chi Tao is a unique principle not only can enhance chikung’s effect, it can also upgrade life’s standard. It intends to direct people how to live healthily, wealthily, nicely and wisely -- especially, live happily; further, live heavenly.

There are hundreds of kinds of Chikung in China. With different purposes they obtain varied benefits. With dissimilar theories they adopt variform practices. The purposes and benefits of Universal Chikung are all inclusive. For example: by raising vitality and eliminating idleness, we can increase our productivity; by heightening intelligence and annihilating silliness, we can increase our creativity; by healing disease and decreasing degeneration, we can prolong our longevity; by uplifting virtue and eradicating vice, we can elevate our morality.

In China, they have been using chikung to improve industrial and agricultural production and obtained remarkable achievements. Universal chikung and some other advanced practitioners believe: Employing chikung’s power, that is, the force and spirit of morality, people can eventually acquire the wisdom to prevent war. By means of spiritual chikung, that is, combining the super power of nature and mind, humans can finally have the ability to control weather and environment. Thus, we can abolish poverty, ward off human and natural calamities -- enjoy global safety and prosperity.

These explain: unlike ordinary and technical chikung, emphasizing mainly on human health; Universal Chikung is designed to increase both human health and wealth, also to improve human nature and might. Especially, it is built as a Tao to direct human life and direct human beings to pursue a satisfactory and spiritual life. By practicing Universal Chi Kung and living according to its Chi Tao, I believe, at first we can improve our physical and mental condition, then our social and natural condition, can make us to be happy beings to live a high level life. Eventually, we intend to, and it will, lead humans to be miraculous beings, to live a marvelous life.


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At the technical aspect, the process of Universal Chikung is developed upon both the classic and modern Chinese chikung; however, with its unique adoption of faith power and future effect, with its broader inclusion of oriental mysticism and western science, with its advanced theories and special methods; Universal Chikung is quite unlike those ancestral systems. It is a distinguished brand new practice.

The theories of Universal Chikung come from the theories of universe. That is, we adopt our theories from the natural laws. The first and basic theory is the Theory of Integration and Unification. It considers that all beings and things (matters and affairs) in the entire universe are the parts of an integrated whole, and they exist as an organic unity. That is, every being or thing is related to, and affected by other beings and things. The human body and life, as a part of this integration, can affect and be affected, with all other beings and things in the whole universe.

We believe, besides our physical or material world, there is a metaphysical or spiritual world. The two worlds are also related and can affect each other. They too are an integrated unity. We make our chief objective and process upon this belief.

The second theory of Universal Chikung is the Theory of Opposition and Conciliation. The Chinese see that everything in the universe consists of a positive and a negative part (the yin and yang). The two parts are either opposite or related to each other, they also opposite or related to other things and their parts. All these things or parts can, and must, always be maintained in balance, in harmony; and unified as one entity.

Take our body as an example: about its constitution, there is an inside and an outside, left and right, top and bottom, front and back; about its metabolism, there is a fusion and fission, new and old; about its circulation, there is an up and down, come and go. These are all opposites and related to each other, but should be kept in balance and harmony.

If some parts of our body are weak, by opposite and relative reactions, the other parts of our body may be also weakened. By the same logic, if some parts of our body are strong, the other body parts may strengthen themselves to keep up with the strong parts.

Chikung’s elementary function is to strengthen all the body parts and systems, to improve our vigor and wisdom, and promote our physical and mental well being.

The third theory of Universal Chikung is the Theory of Combination and Production. Classic chikung science assumes that the human body consists of three major elements, the zing, chi and shen; in English, the essence (matter), energy, and spirit. We believe that the human body consists of four major elements. They are matter, energy, mind and spirit. The original "spirit" actually consists of two elements, the mind and spirit. Matter and energy form a comparable physical combination, in which matter is more physical and energy is more metaphysical. Mind and spirit form a comparable metaphysical combination, in which mind is more physical and natural, spirit is more metaphysical and supernatural.

The four elements and two combinations, not only keep the combinative and productive relationships among themselves and within our bodies, they also keep these kinds of relationship with the outside world, with things of nature and elements in the universe.

Consider the matter part: Human bodies take (combine) food and drink from the outside world to produce the essence we need, to maintain our existence and growth. In a similar manner, human energy (often called the internal energy or internal chi) also combines with the universal energies (external energies or chi) to maintain our vitality and support our activities. Our mind and spirit often combine (affect or be affected) with the outside mind and spirit, to determine our thoughts and behaviors.

The four elements can exist either individually or combined. They can also produce each other or change into each other. For example, matter can produce or change into energy, energy can produce or change into mind and spirit, and vice versa, as various physical and chemical reactions in nature. The so-called "mind and body connection" is actually a part of this combination and production.

This kind of combination and production of the matter, energy, mind and spirit are the central themes of chikung science and practice. The reaction is called Elemental Unification. The mixture is called Unified Elements.


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 * To be continued in Book Foreword-B